California Southern

California Southern

Geographic domain of the Southern California Bight MBON project. Orange, green, red, yellow dots indicate kelp forest sampling by Santa Barbara Coastal LTER (NSF), Channel Islands National Park, PISCO, and USGS, respectively. Blue stars represent stations sampled by the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI, NOAA). White crosses represent stations sampled by Plumes and Blooms (NASA).

The team will develop and validate optical oceanographic measures of pelagic planktonic biodiversity from the Plumes and Blooms (PnB) time-series study applied to SCB MBON genomics and other observations of phytoplankton diversity. Observation and modeling of SBC Long-Term Ecological Research program (LTER) kelp forest sites using hyperspectral drone imagery and Landsat satellite observations will be focused on the simultaneous assessments of giant kelp and phytoplankton. Expanded use of imagery will be facilitated using cutting-edge machine learning image analysis techniques developed by the UCSB Center for BioImage Informatics and ViQi. Imaging will be paired with acoustics to observe fish diversity.

Metabarcoding and eDNA analyses will benefit from state-of-the-art molecular biology labs at the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center and UCSB and partnership with CalCOFI and SCCWRP. The overall objective is to provide a complete picture of biodiversity in SCB using a transferable system that integrates and augments existing monitoring programs. The data management component of the project distributes research quality citable data with stable DOIs that will be visualized on the project website as well as the MBON Portal. Products created by SCB MBON will include geographically-integrated time-series metrics of biodiversity, a transferable MBON data management system, and dissemination of products and results to a wide range of end users from scientists to schoolchildren.