MBON Europe online seminar: publishing biodiversity data

MBON Europe held an online seminar about how to publish biodiversity data on 18th December 2023.

The seminar was attended by 35 researchers interested in publishing their data, and 11 staff from LifeWatch ERIC, VLIZ (LifeWatch Belgium) and HCMR (LifeWatchGreece). Participants learned about tools for publishing biodiversity data on OBIS, GBIF and LifeWatch ERIC websites, FAIR principles, and how to publish data as papers in the Biodiversity Data Journal (for which Lifewatch ERIC pays the open-access fees).

The next step will be an in-person workshop in Bologna, Italy on 12th February 2023, immediately preceding the EuroMarine Open Science Day (on the 13th) and Annual Meeting. Participants will be encouraged to stay for the EuroMarine meeting.  By the end of this MBON Europe workshop, we expect participants will have their data ready and prepared for publication. Financial support for a limited number of participants to attend will be available. So far, 16 organizations have signed the MBON Europe MoU.


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