Marine Life 2030: Advancing BioEco Ocean Observations and Forecasting

MBON, Marine Life 2030, GOOS and the AIR Centre will host two special sessions at the VIII Ocean Best Practices (OBPS) workshop ranging in different time zones.

These sessions we will bring together the communities contributing to Biology and Ecosystem (BioEco) ocean observation and forecasting to foster collaboration and the exchange of ideas and best practices, build capacity and promote synergies with ocean observation initiatives and projects, as well as with the overall biodiversity monitoring community, supporting common solutions for collective impact.

Session 1: 15th October. 08:30 – 10:00 UTC+0


  1. Setting up the scene
    A.  Welcome & Marine Life 2030 Ocean Decade Program (Aileen Tan Shau Hwai)
    B.  Essential Variable Frameworks for Observing Marine Life (Masahiro Nakaoka)
    C.  Progress on aligning biodiversity data to standards (Katherine Tattersall)
  2. Projects/Programs Contributing to Marine Life 2030
    D.  IPBES report on methodological assessment on monitoring biodiversity and nature´s contributions to people (Patricia Miloslavich)
    E.  BioEcoOcean: Co-creating transformative pathways to biological and ecosystem ocean observations (Ana Lara-Lopez)
    F.  South East Australia – Marine Ecosystem Study (Karen Evans)
    G. Kelp Forest Challenge (Aaron Eger)
  3. Discussions


Session 2: 15th October. 13:00 – 14:30 UTC+0


  1. Setting up the scene
    A.  Welcome & Marine Life 2030 Ocean Decade Program (Gabrielle Canonico)
    B.  Essential Variable Frameworks for Observing Marine Life (Frank Muller-Karger)
    C.  Progress on aligning biodiversity data to standards (Ward Appeltans)
  2. Projects/Programs contributing to Marine Life 2030
    D.  The Ocean Data Information System (ODIS) and Ocean InfoHub (OIH) (Pier Luigi Buttigieg)
    E.  BioEcoOcean: Co-creating transformative pathways to biological and ecosystem ocean observations (Lina Nordlund)
    F.  Marco-BOLO: Marine Coastal Biodiversity long-term observations – Strengthening biodiversity observation in support of decision making (Nicolas Pade)
    G.  Picture Perfect: rapid classification of plankton (Keshnee Pillay)
  3. Discussions